Officer Tom Taylor

Officer Tom Taylor

Animal Control Officer

Hoquiam Police Department Headquarters
215 10th Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550

Ph: (360) 532-0892 X107** **NOTE – All animal complaints or issues should be reported to E911 Dispatch by calling 911 or the non-emergency number of 360-533-8765.

Protecting people, property and animals

The Hoquiam Animal Control Department is a division of the Hoquiam Police Department.

Animal Control is charged with upholding and enforcing regulations/ordinances regarding the treatment and control of animals in the city. Animal control means not only protecting people from the nuisance of domestic, roaming animals, but also protecting animals from neglectful and cruel circumstances.

Animal control ordinances serve three purposes:

  • protection of people

  • protection of property

  • protection of animals

The Hoquiam Animal Control Officer is Tom Taylor. He patrols the city armed with doggie treats, a leash and a very real love and concern for our “four-legged citizens”. He also has a wealth of good advice for pet owners and is always ready to help any citizen pet owner with a few tips and tricks of the trade.


Officer Taylor’s is not just an animal control officer, he is also our parking and code enforcement officer. These duties have him out on patrol looking for abandoned vehicles and other parking ne’er dowels. Officer Taylor will assist the building department by informing them of unsafe code issues that may need to be inspected.

“My first priority of course is to the public,” says ACO Taylor, “especially when it concerns the safety of the families and nuisance animals. My second priority is directed toward the care and well being of the pets in Hoquiam. I respond very quickly to reports of animal neglect and cruelty and encourage the public to report it.”

All domestic animals over the age of six months living in Hoquiam must be licensed. Contact Animal Control at (360) 532-0892 X107 for further details.