Grays Harbor Public Market
Discover the Art, Food, Crafts and flavor of Washingtons Pacific Coast
Grays Harbors Public Market
1956 Riverside Ave
Hoquiam, Washington
(360) 538-9747
Grays Harbor Farmers Market and Craft Fair is one of only two Washington State farmers markets open year round. Discover local produce, delicious pastries, fresh seafood, chowder, fine arts, & quality crafted items. The market is open Wednesday though Saturdays from 9 to 5:30 officially, however once the bakery staff is there from the wee hours they will help anybody that walks in the door early.
Discover local produce, delicious pastries from Nancy's Bakery, fine soups and sandwiches at Deidra's Deli, Anthony's Meats, fine arts, & quality crafted items, Handmade Soaps & sundries, Candles, and Goods! Something for everyone!