Historic Resources Survey and Public Meeting

The City of Hoquiam and Historic Preservation Commission has contracted with Northwest Vernacular, Inc., to conduct a second phase in the reconnaissance-level historic property survey of the Karr’s Hill area. The City received a grant from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to conduct this survey.

A reconnaissance-level survey documents properties that are 50 years old or older and only records information observable from the public right-of-way (building type, physical description, and architectural style). Northwest Vernacular has completed the reconnaissance-level survey and is ready to share their findings at a public meeting on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at 4:15pm.

The public meeting will recap the specifics of a reconnaissance-level survey and share findings on the area’s development, Census data, association’s with the area’s maritime heritage, and the potential eligibility of surveyed buildings.

Northwest Vernacular will talk about the differences between the different types of historic designations.

Please attend this meeting if you want to learn more about the Karr’s Hill area and with any questions you may have about historic property surveys and historic preservation activities in the City of Hoquiam.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Angie Bieker,
Community Development Technician at ABieker@cityofhoquiam.com or 360.538.3984.

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